Indicative price list

All services provided are individual. It depends on the type of the problem, the series of repetitions of the therapy, the duration of the therapy, etc. Do not be afraid to ask, there is no charge for asking.

30 min. therapy: manual medicine, mobilization, unblocking, chiropractic, mobilization techniques - 3900,-

45 min. therapy: diagnosis of the causes of problems, manual medicine, instrumental medicine (theragun), chiropractic, unblocking, mobilization techniques - 4800,-

60 min. therapy: manual medicine, instrumental medicine (theragun, local cryotherapy according to needs), chiropractic, unblocking, mobilization techniques - 5500,-

For a 60-minute therapy, a 10% discount can be applied when purchasing twelve or more therapies!

Separate services:

- magnetic therapy (from 25 min. 450,-, 50 min. 650,- according to the chosen program)

- local cryotherapy (from 3 min. 250,-, 5 min. 350,-, 10 min. 499,- depending on the program)

- peat wrap (20 min. 599,-)

For an individual package, please contact me. We will send you a calculation of the treatment in return.

To book the first appointment (only for new patients) it is necessary to pay 1000,- to the bank account: 1198990023/0800 (Česká spořitelna a.s.)

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please give us 24 hours' notice. Your reservation will be rebooked in this case. The deposit is non-refundable. Payment is non-refundable when paying for the therapy in advance. You can reschedule your appointments to another day.